The world’s most complete AI hiring platform
We've partnered with Teamable so you can source great candidates for your roles on Paraform, supercharged by AI
Paraform recruiters qualify for 15% off Teamable’s monthly or annual plans.
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Use Teamable to recruit for the world's most exciting startups on Paraform
Purpose built for recruiting agencies
Recruiting with Teamable and Paraform
Apply to recruit
Find a company and role to start recruiting for on Paraform
Manage candidates
Use Teamable to source and manage your candidates.
Get paid
Easily receive payments for your work on Paraform all in one place
Uncover hidden gems others miss
Instantly surface unique and diverse talent across Teamable’s 600M+ candidate database, your personal network, your referral network, and your existing database, using AI to make intelligent connections that are otherwise impossible.
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Reach more candidates
Deploy personalized AI campaigns that are crafted to convert based on evolving best practices and actually reach candidates with Teamable's unmatched email and people data.
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Start new searches faster
Paste a client’s job description into Teamable to instantly create a new search. Eliminate time spent building/refining searches, finding emails, crafting outreach, personalizing messages, following-up, responding, updating records, updating clients, and more. Use that time to build superior relationships with clients and candidates.
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Unlock super-intelligence
Give your clients (and yourself) the data everyone needs to deeply understand the market and your efforts. Uncover which companies, demographics, locations, and more are most / least fruitful. Benchmark your performance against peers.
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Run your entire business with Teamable
Use Teamable to not just recruit for your clients, but to find new ones! Manage every relationship in Teamable and wield it as your competitive advantage to consistently place top talent and command higher rates.
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What Paraform recruiters have to say about Teamable
Maggie Malyn
Boulevard Recruiting
Teamable is a game changer for high volume outreach and quality control! Best available technology of the it's kind on the market.
Jake Flohr
V3 Talent
Teamable is essential to the success of our business and the support we receive from Justin and the team is outstanding.
Bryan Lee
Narwhal Search
I think of Teamable as my secret weapon when it comes to sourcing. The email data is so accurate and it’s so simple to use, it’s been essential in building my business and ensuring quick outcomes for my clients.
Start recruiting with Paraform
Accelerate your recruiting on Paraform with Teamable. Get started today and receive 15% off Teamable’s monthly or annual plans.
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