Client Onboarding

This is the starting point for how to onboard your role(s) onto Paraform. The information listed in each section of onboarding is directly relayed to our recruiters so that they can best fulfill your hiring the needs! As such, the more detailed your responses are to each section, the more efficient hiring can get done.

Getting started

Immediately after you are invited to our platform, you'll have the opportunity to onboard and instantiate a role. To do so, click on the "Roles" tab and on the top right corner, you'll have the option to "Add Role." From there, you'll be guided through several sections (each of which are specified and guided through below).

Alternatively, if you've already instantiated a role and want to make updates to it, click on the "Setup" section in the navigation menu. You can make edits to the fields you've previously filled out there!

In the following sections, we will go over how to fill out each section of the form succinctly and effectively to deliver the best results while recruiting on Paraform!

Basic Information


Time Expected to Complete ~5-10 minutes

In this section, we will fill out some basic information about the role to get started.

There are a couple of basic fields that are required including minimum salary, maximum salary, visa sponsorship, etc. These are basic requirements so that recruiters on our platform are able to filter out preliminary characteristics to potential candidate's profiles. The most important field you'll want to pay attention to is the "Role description" which offers a short overview of the role and what it entails.

A clear "Role description" might be organized with bolded sections as below:

  • Our Mission
  • Who we are looking for
  • Our Value Proposition to You
  • You Might Be A Great Fit If...

Ideal Candidates


Time Expected to Complete ~15-20 minutes

By elaborating on your ideal candidate, our recruiters can more quickly and accurately deliver your desired hiring results! This section asks for Traits to avoid as well as Ideal candidate profiles so that recruiters can source similar individuals.

You can use our AI-suggested feature to come up with traits to avoid. However, the more thoughtful and descriptive you are with these traits, the more likely we will be able to deliver your desired hiring results.

For our Ideal candidate section, you'll want to offer bullet point examples of individuals with their LinkedIns attached. To make our search easier, a 1-2 sentence explanation categorizing different candidates and what makes them ideal would be best!

A clear "Ideal Candidate" for a Sales Development Representative might be organized with as below:

Current analyst or associate in finance (wealth management, banking, growth equity, or VC):

  • John Doe (https://www.linkedin.com/)
  • Jane Doe (https://www.linkedin.com/)

We recommend offering between 4-5 ideal candidates! Most importantly, remember to include context for WHY this candidate fits your needs so that recruiters can source effectively.

Helping the Recruiter


Time Expected to Complete ~10-15 minutes

There are three primary sections in this section: Recruiting advice, Hiring manager introduction, and a Welcome message template sent to recruiters who are onboarding onto your role.

The "Recruiting Advice" section should offer general as well as specific advice for recruiters to find the best candidates. This includes specific traits, types of candidates you like, etc - anything so that recruiters can resume-match their search to your requirements. A couple of points you might want to elaborate on here:

  • How to pitch the candidates on this role
  • What archetypes to look for when searching for the role
  • Frequency of contact with you as the hiring manager

Additionally, you'll want to offer a brief "Hiring manager introduction" so that recruiters understand you and your team on more of a personal level! This can be short and concise - we just want to add a more personal component.

Lastly, you'll want to add a "Welcome message template" which is a short message sent to recruiters when they first get approved by us for this role. Make sure to express your excitement and you can source some examples from our AI-suggested tab!

Candidate Qualities


Time Expected to Complete ~15-20 minutes

The next part of the flow is critically thinking about 5+ qualities and requirements for an ideal candidate. These are hidden from the candidate which is intended so that you provide additional detail about what you are looking for beyond the candidate-facing job description! Think of this as an instruction sheet for recruiters and a simple resume-matching outlook

Good examples requirements are specific, help recruiters narrow down candidates, and help them understand your talent bar.

  • 3-4 years of experience at a top startup
  • CS degree from a top university
  • Previous experience as a founder or founding engineer highly preferred
  • Experience building AI products
  • Excited to join an early-stage startup

Bad examples requirements are vague, subjective, and do not help with narrowing down candidates.

  • Enjoys building and implementing solutions
  • Great at prioritizing key tasks
  • Maintains both a high level of quality and quantity
  • Good at problem-solving
  • Great at multitasking

Some topics you can consider adding to your requirements page include:

  • Location (lives in or near the office location)
  • Top School or Top GPA
  • Industry Experience
  • College Athlete
  • Promotions from Company

Interview Process


Time Expected to Complete ~5-10 minutes

This section allows us to offer a delineated tracking system as candidates go through your interview pipeline. You'll want to integrate your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) before you fill this section out (more updates to come here soon!) so that when you add a stage, your existing ATS will auto-populate with what we have here. We support Ashby, Greenhouse, and Lever ATS systems. If your ATS is not one of these three, you may have to manually type your different interview stages - but not to worry! We are actively developing more integrations!

Candidate Questions


Time Expected to Complete ~5 minutes

In this section, you delineate what specific questions recruiters ask candidates. We recommend <5 questions to streamline the submission process for recruiters. Consider these questions the key points you want to get out of the way during the recruiter initial screening or recruiter initial outreach to a potential candidate.

Some questions we've included in our hiring processes include:

  • Why is Paraform of interest to you? You can work at any startup so why us?
  • What was a difficult leadership decision you had to commit to and how did you execute those decisions?
  • Do you have security clearance?

Ideal Companies


Time Expected to Complete ~5-10 minutes

In this section, you'll elaborate on the types of companies that you would like to source a specific candidate from. Think critically about which hires in the past you've enjoyed integrating as part of your team and their background. Additionally, let us know if there are specific industries (and therefore companies within those industries) that are particularly important for you. For example, if you want individuals who have worked within FinTech, ideal companies may include Stripe, Ramp, Brex, etc.

We've also added an avoid companies section to delineate which companies you actively would like us not to source from! This section is not required, but it may provide our recruiters additional information to filter upon.

Recruiter Dashboard Preview


Time Expected to Complete ~5 minutes

Lastly, we showcase your recruiter dashboard preview! This is what recruiters see for your job posting. Take a look and see if you would want to change anything :) We've incorporated your form responses in a concise, easy-to-navigate manner in this dashboard. If there are any changes you'd like to make, feel free to press the back arrow to change the form. Additionally, if you think you may want to change some of the fields later on, you can press "Next" for now and come back to it later!

Terms and Expectations


Just some terms for you to review and confirm!