By Wayne
Preferred recruiters are a status given to top performers on Paraform. Preferred Recruiters enjoy privileges on Paraform such as access to invite-only roles, initial invitations to newly listed roles, unlimited role approvals, dedicated Slack support from the Paraform team, and more.
Preferred recruiter status is reserved for active, top-performing recruiters on the platform, based on recruiter rating, activity level, and hiring manager reviews.
Preferred recruiter status will usually be given to recruiters who meet the criteria below within 1 month of signup / activation.
Here's how it is calculated. Preferred status is given to the recruiters who:
We do take into consideration some exceptions which may include hiring manager feedback and reviews, behavior on the platform with clients, candidates, and other recruiters, and outstanding reputation or profile outside of Paraform.
You can view your live stats and whether you've hit them on your performance dashboard here (make sure you are logged into your Paraform recruiter account)
Super preferred recruiters are reserved for the top 1% of recruiters on Paraform. Recruiters who achieve super preferred status have demonstrated consistent exceptionalism with their work on the platform. This includes extremely high quality candidates, professionalism at the highest level and being an evangelist of the Paraform brand.
Every year, we award ~5 recruiters with this exclusive status. On top of all the preferred recruiter benefits here are the benefits of Super Preferred Recruiters: